Professor Tatsuya Kondo and Professor Eiichi Araki of the Department of Metabolism and Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University have developed a "Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Device (Chemical Weak Current Combination Therapy)" developed with Professor Hirofumi Kai of the Department of Genetic Function Application, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The results of clinical trials for practical use have been announced.

 This type 2 diabetes treatment device directly stimulates the abdomen via a special rubber that simultaneously transmits a weak electric current (MES) and heat (HS), resulting in a reduction in visceral fat and an effect of improving blood sugar.Just by wearing a belt-type device on the body, you can expect an effect similar to exercise therapy without burdening the patient, so appropriate treatment is possible even in situations where exercise therapy is difficult due to overweight, old age, disability of limbs, etc. It is expected that it will be possible.

 2014年に臨床試験で肥満2型糖尿病男性のHbA1c値※を0.43%低下させることをeBioMedicine誌に報告したのに続き、今回は男女問わず肥満2型糖尿病患者男女60名を対象に週2回、4 回、7回の群に振り分けて12週間施行し、この治療をどれくらいの頻度で行うと最も効果があるのかを判定した。


 The results of this research provided information on treatment optimization for type 2 diabetes treatment equipment, and brought us one step closer to the actual treatment application.The research results were published in the online version of "Scientific Reports" on October 2016, 10.

* The HbA1c value is a value that represents the blood glucose status for the past one or two months from that point.
* DPP-4 inhibitor is a drug that inhibits DPP (dipeptidyl peptidase) -4, an enzyme that decomposes incretin that promotes insulin secretion, and shows improvement in blood glucose.

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