In September 2016, the international academic organization IAP for Health issued a statement calling for improved experimental reproducibility in biomedical research.On November 9th, the Science Council of Japan announced on its website that it agreed with the purpose on behalf of the Japanese academy and signed it with 11 academies around the world (as of August).

 IAP for Health consists of academic institutions from each country, and currently 78 institutions are members.A statement has been issued with the approval of a majority of the member organizations, and efforts are being made to improve the health and hygiene of the world.

 In science, the hypothesis is tested by experiment.The reliability of the hypothesis will be examined by conducting a reproduction experiment by an outside researcher on the results.Therefore, repeated experiments under the same conditions must give the same results.However, it is often not based on reproducible findings, as only 2015% of 100 studies were found to be reproducible in the Psychology Results Reproducibility Project published in 36. , IAP for Health points out.
Poor study design and implementation, inadequate statistical analysis, and incomplete reporting are the main causes of the lack of reproducibility of many biomedical studies. It reduces public confidence in the results. "

 The IAP for Health evaluates the efforts of member academies to date and makes recommendations for addressing non-reproducibility.For universities / research institutes, funding institutions, publishers / journal editors, and researchers, we mainly emphasize the certainty of research, enhance the openness, transparency, and neutrality of research results, and ensure reproducibility. Emphasize the need for communication for.

 In addition, the role of affiliated academies in each country is to raise awareness of non-reproducibility among various stakeholders and institutions related to research, support efforts for resolution and education and training for that purpose, and internationally. There is a need to promote good discussion and collaboration.

reference:[Science Council of Japan] Signing of an international joint statement on improving experimental reproducibility in biomedical research

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