Doshisha University will start a new curriculum for English education in 2022.With the arrival of a major transformation in domestic English education, the aim is to meet the diversifying needs of students and to develop autonomous foreign language learners.

 According to Doshisha University, the new curriculum was newly created based on Doshisha University's educational philosophy, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR), and the European Language Portfolio (ELP). It consists of four pillars.

 One is a systematic course structure for studying specialized fields in English.The purpose is to create a foundation for learning specialized fields in English in the first and second years. The first year is the foundation for learning English, and the second year is the English proficiency that is commonly required across disciplines. Acquire the foundation of required English proficiency.
The other is class organization according to proficiency level.The placement test taken before enrollment is divided into four classes according to level, and students take English courses in the first and second years.

 In addition, small class formation.We are planning an advanced course that assumes that you will use English in your profession, a study abroad preparation course that prepares for the tests necessary for studying abroad, and an overseas study program.
The last is to take courses according to the level of proficiency.Until now, students of all levels have taken the same course regardless of their proficiency level, but we will set goals for each proficiency level and take courses according to the level.

reference:[Doshisha University] Doshisha University's university-wide English education goes to a new stage-A new curriculum for English education will start in 2022-

Doshisha University

Inherit the "conscience of a country".One ambition and striving for the next generation

In 1875, Doshisha English School, the predecessor of Doshisha University, was founded by Joseph Hardy Neesima. We have practiced conscience education with the educational principles of "Christianity," "liberalism," and "internationalism."The virtue of loving the truth and making humanity serious, the spirit of respecting individuality and valuing each person, the power to grasp the world from a broad perspective, these […]

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