Professor Hiroshi Takami of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology has developed a light vehicle type hybrid power supply vehicle that can supply electricity and hot water in the event of a disaster by combining a Stirling engine and a solar panel.

 A Stirling engine is an external heat engine that heats and cools the gas (or air) in the cylinder from the outside and converts heat energy into kinetic energy.It is more efficient than existing engines, and it can be expected to use waste materials because it can be warmed from the outside. In particular, the free-piston type Stirling engine used this time is said to have a simple mechanical structure and a long life. There is.

 In November 2014, due to the deregulation of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Stirling engine power generation equipment with an output of less than 11 kW was classified as an electric facility for general use, and it is expected that the Stirling engine will be put into practical use. When a general power generation control converter system (device that converts AC to DC) is connected to the engine, there is a problem that the engine becomes unstable due to the harmonics generated by the converter.

 そこで、以前よりスターリングエンジンの研究に取り組んできた高見教授は、この課題を解決するコンバータを開発。燃料となる3kg(120 円程度)の木質バイオマスペレットを1時間燃焼し、1kWの電力(スマートフォンの充電約70台分)と45℃・200Lの温水(バスタブ 1 杯分)を提供できるスターリングエンジンと、日中は1時間で最大600Wが発電できるソーラーパネルにより、発電とともに48V、110Ahの蓄電池に充電することも可能なシステムを軽トラックの荷台に収まるサイズで構築。

 Woody biomass pellets used as fuel are a type of "eco-fuel" produced mainly by plants absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Even if they are burned, they return to their original state and do not increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.In addition, since the power generation system is packaged in the loading platform of a light truck, it can be quickly rushed to areas where assistance is needed, and it can also store electricity, so it can be prepared for sudden high power consumption at night or in bad weather. There is a feature.

 Currently, a patent is pending for a part of the system as a "free-piston Stirling engine power generator".In the future, the operation will be automated and the durability will be improved so that it can operate stably even in the rain. Aim for completion.

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Fostering global science and engineering human resources who support Japan

Shibaura Institute of Technology will celebrate its 2027th anniversary in 100.With a system of 4 departments and 16 course in 1 faculties, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Systems Science and Engineering, Faculty of Design Engineering, and Faculty of Architecture, "Data Science Courses" will be introduced in all faculties from 2020, and there are so many research fields that they are called "Science and Engineering University". I am proud of.Each student […]

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