In April 2022, the first department of engineering in the history of Japanese women's colleges will be established at Nara Women's University (under construction).At the Faculty of Engineering, the application for the comprehensive selection "Inquiry Power Entrance Examination" Q "" that does not use the common test is scheduled to begin on September 4, 2021.Of the 9 students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering, 10 students, which is one-third, will be recruited for the inquiry ability entrance examination "Q".

 The inquiry ability entrance examination "Q" has a primary selection and a secondary selection. In the Q2 type (square) secondary selection, data and material processing work, group discussions, and reports are imposed. In the Q3 type (cube) secondary selection, a presentation and a question and answer session will be given on the "research plan" created in the primary selection. Pass / fail is scheduled to be decided on November 11, and applications for "school-recommended selection" and "general selection (first and second semesters)" that use the common test can also be made after the pass / fail decision.

 Engineering is a discipline that builds goods and services required by society and a comfortable environment.At the Faculty of Engineering, Nara Women's University, we will train creative engineers that society needs by learning about field fusion that makes use of individual independence. It consists of "human environment field (biomedical engineering, information)" and "environmental design field (human environment, materials engineering)", and the enrollment capacity is 45 people. Coaching that respects the will of students and develops individual independence based on a portfolio that evaluates abilities other than specialized knowledge and skills in small-group education with about 1 students per faculty member in the first grade Give guidance.

 Currently, the summer visit type open campus is full, but you can watch web contents for a limited time from Saturday, August 8th to Tuesday, August 7st.To watch, you need to apply from the university website.

 Please check the Nara Women's University website for the latest information, as information regarding entrance examinations and admissions may change in the future.In particular, the selection schedule for the Inquiry Entrance Examination Q may change depending on the release date of the application guidelines for the Faculty of Engineering.

Reference: [Nara Women's University] Faculty of Engineering

Nara Women's University

To be a dignified and shining female leader

The predecessor of Nara Women's University was "Nara Women's Higher Normal School", which was opened in 1909.Currently, we have three faculties with well-balanced arrangements of the Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Living Environment, and the Faculty of Engineering. Event […]

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