Ehime University and Jolly Good Co., Ltd. have jointly developed an infectious disease medical care education VR that allows hands-on learning of medical treatment for COVID-19 infectious disease patients and putting on and taking off protective clothing with VR.This is the first national university in Japan to develop VR teaching materials that can be used for practical training in an infectious disease medical ward for doctors, nurses, medical students, and nursing students. From 2022, it will be used for practical training classes for medical students and nursing students.

 Infectious disease control education for medical students and nursing students is difficult to enter the medical field in the infectious disease medical care ward due to the influence of COVID-19, and practical training has not been possible nationwide.In addition, doctors and nurses in wards other than infectious disease beds that can respond to emergencies are indispensable for the support system when infection spreads, but practical education on infectious diseases for them is not sufficient.

 Against the background of such issues, teaching materials have been developed as a powerful support tool for developing human resources by intuitively experiencing the medical treatment experience in the infectious disease medical treatment ward through a realistic practical training experience using VR.

 In the infectious disease medical care education VR, you can take a picture of the treatment actually performed for a COVID-19 patient who was transported to the medical site of Ehime University, and learn how to deal with the COVID-360 patient from a 19-degree surgeon's perspective. There is content to acquire basic knowledge of avoiding infection risk in the COVID-19 medical ward, such as how to properly put on and take off protective clothing, which is the basis of infection control.

 Professor Yuko Kami, a professor at the Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University, said, "Experience-based education using VR is a valuable opportunity to visualize infectious diseases that are difficult to see and to learn concrete preventive measures for infectious diseases at a practical level. The nurse will be in contact with the patient in the nearest place to provide the care that supports the patient's daily life. What kind of treatment and care can be done by using the VR teaching materials? I think that it will be possible to learn whether the risk of infectious diseases is high in the situation, and to raise the awareness necessary for infectious disease risk management, which is necessary as a member of the medical team and infectious disease prevention measures. "

 This initiative is part of the project adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's second supplementary budget project "Infectious Disease Medical Human Resources Training Project", and is an educational project jointly implemented by the Department of Medicine and the Department of Nursing. It has become.

Reference: [Jolly Good Co., Ltd.] First at a national university!VR teaching materials for actual treatment of new corona patients!Jolly Good and Ehime University jointly develop infectious disease medical education VR

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