Takashi Onishi has issued a statement against the issue of US President Donald Trump issuing a presidential decree banning entry into the United States from seven countries, including Iran and Libya, saying that the free exchange of scientists may be hindered. The presentation was made in the name of the chairman (President of Toyohashi University of Technology).

 According to the statement, the International Council for Science's improperly widespread and unfairly applied measures to persons of certain nationalities will have a negative impact on the free exchange of scientists in response to President Trump's immigration restrictions. However, the Science Council of Japan fully supported the statement of the International Council for Science and expressed its opposition, saying, "I hope that corrective action will be taken in the United States."

 He also argued that the development of science and technology could not be achieved by one country alone, and that free exchange of scientists was required and that the free movement of scientists should be guaranteed.From the perspective of fostering the next generation of scientists, the freedom of movement of students, including international students, should be ensured.

 In addition, the International Council for Science has set the principles of universality of science in its articles of incorporation, prohibiting discrimination based on ethnic origin, religion, nationality, language, political thought, etc. for realization, and fair access to science and its benefits. Emphasize that it encourages opportunities.He argues that restrictions on the freedom of movement of scientists in a limited country or region are not desirable.

reference:[Science Council of Japan] Freedom of exchange between scientists and development of science and technology (PDF)

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