QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a global evaluation body for higher education, has released the 2022 edition of the QS Asian University Rankings.This "QS Asian University Rankings" is the largest ever, with 687 universities ranked in, and 40 of them newly ranked.

 The National University of Singapore was selected as No. 1 in Asia, and No. 4 in Asia for the fourth consecutive year.Peking University is the second largest in Asia and the highest ranking for Peking University.The third largest in Asia was the University of Hong Kong and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).

 The University of Tokyo has improved its ranking by 4th from the previous time and is 11th in Asia.The University of Tokyo is the number one in Asia in terms of "Academic Reputation" and "Employer Reputation", which measure the reputation of the university among academics and employers in Japan and overseas. I was elected to the 1st place.

 In this "QS Asian University Rankings", 108 Japanese universities are ranked in.India (118 schools) and mainland China (126 schools) are the only countries that exceed this number.Compared to the previous ranking, 65 of the Japanese universities ranked this time fell in rank, and 2 schools ranked in for the first time.

 Overseas employers continue to appreciate Japanese universities, with 100 Japanese universities ranked in the top 14 on the "Employer Reputation" index.This was the highest percentage in any country.In addition, Japanese universities are also excellent in the "Faculty / Student Ratio (ST ratio)" index, which indicates the degree of educational efforts, and 100 schools are ranked in the top 30, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (2nd). And Yokohama City University (4th) ranked in the top 5 on this important index.

 On the other hand, only 100 Japanese universities are in the top 5 in the "Citations per Paper" index.In addition, 100 Japanese universities ranked in the top 12 in the "Paper per Faculty" index.89% of Japanese universities have dropped in the ranking in this evaluation standard. Toyota Technological Institute ranked fourth in Asia in terms of "Paper per Faculty" (number of papers per faculty member).

 In addition, Future University-Hakodate won the first place in the ratio of "Staff with PhD".Iwate Prefectural University ranked highest in Japan in the "Citations per Papers" index, which indicates the impact of research.Iwate Prefectural University and Nara Women's University were the only Japanese universities in the top 1 on this index.

 Ben Sowter, research director at QS, said of Japanese higher education institutions, "We can see that the momentum is declining compared to higher education institutions in Asia, especially in China. It is essential to make the competition conditions fair, to secure a sufficient research budget, and to optimally allocate funds not only to major universities but also to all universities. "

 He continued, "Establishing a 10 trillion yen'university fund'to improve the research capabilities of Japanese universities is an important first step in the right direction. However, international universities in Japan Further measures are needed to regain status and competitiveness, such as cooperating with other G7 countries to promptly resume acceptance of international students and foreign faculty, and the young population. In Japan, where the number of students is decreasing and the economic disparity is widening, in order to promote university education, it is necessary to push forward with reforms to secure economic margins. "

Reference: [KEI Advanced, Inc.] QS Asian University Ranking 2022 Japanese universities need to improve their international competitiveness-clarified in the ranking

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