When the General Insurance Association of Japan investigated the need for education on life risks and non-life insurance for teachers who teach civilian and home economics at high schools nationwide, more than 8% thought that education on non-life insurance was necessary. It turned out that.

 From September to October, the survey asked high schools nationwide for answers by mail and on the web, and 9 teachers in charge of civilian and 10 teachers in charge of home economics responded.

 According to the report, 32.0% of high schools in civil studies and 68.4% in home economics teach in class to prepare for life risks.Less than one hour accounted for 1-3% of the annual class hours in each grade.4% of civic teachers and 91.7% of home economics teachers believe that such education is necessary.

 11.0% of civilian and 32.7% of home economics teach about non-life insurance in class.Less than one hour accounted for more than 1% of the annual class hours.4% of civic teachers and 79.3% of home economics teachers answered that they needed education on non-life insurance.Most of the respondents cited the enhancement of supplementary teaching materials and tools as necessary for future classes in terms of preparation for life risks and non-life insurance.

 The high school curriculum guidelines announced in 2018 indicated that private insurance will be mentioned in civil and home economics from the perspective of preparing for life risks and self-help. From April 2022, the adult age will be reduced to 4 years old, and private insurance contracts will be possible without the consent of the parent or guardian even while in high school.

reference:[General Insurance Association of Japan] More than 8% of teachers who answered that it is necessary to provide education on non-life insurance-Conduct a survey on education on non-life insurance in high schools-

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