From Tuesday, March 2022th to Saturday, March 3th, 8, Kitasato University will be an "international team" to study with students from around the world, including the United States, Czech Republic, and Taiwan, as part of their international exchange program. Conduct "medical exercises" online.

 This is the sixth "International Team Medical Exercise" since the first was held by the Faculty of Health Sciences, Kitasato University in 2015.The purpose is to train medical personnel who have an excellent international sense and can play an active role not only in Japan but also in the world.Through the experience of deepening learning about the latest medical science and technology, understanding the differences in values ​​and ethics between countries, and collaborating with students with different specialties, languages, and cultures, team medical care as a medical professional after graduation To acquire the skills to practice.

 In the exercise, students from multiple medical occupations form a team to discuss the treatment and care of the set cases in English, share information on the current state of medical welfare and insurance systems in each country, and share culture and culture. Deepen mutual understanding and exchange with students from other countries regarding differences in values.On the final day of the exercise, the conclusions of the discussion will be announced on one slide for each team.

 This time, as in 2021, students from overseas will not be able to come to Japan due to the corona sickness, so it will be conducted online. Deepen learning with students from 6 countries (regions) and 8 universities (planned).

<Participating universities / faculties (specialty)> (planned)
● Kitasato University: Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Hygiene [Department of Health and Hygiene, Department of Medical Examination, Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Occupational Therapy, Department of Medical Engineering, Department of Medical Radiation Technology]
● Austria FH Campus Vienna University of Applied Sciences: Occupational Therapy
● Czech Charles University: Medicine
● Norway Inland Norwegian University of Applied Sciences: Nursing Practice
● Taiwan National Cheng Kung University: Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology
● Thomas Jefferson University, USA: Radiation Science, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy
● University of California, Los Angeles, USA: Nursing Practice
● University of Kentucky, USA: Pharmacy

Reference: [Kitasato University] conduct international team medical exercises online

Kitasato University

Comprehensive approach from three fields as a comprehensive university of life science

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