On July 2017, 7, Associate Professor Michiko Okano and Professor Satoru Yamashiro of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Shibaura Institute of Technology selected designers for "Kosa Town Residence Reconstruction Base Facility Development Design" in Kamimasujo-gun, Kosa Prefecture. It was selected as the best person in the open call for participants type proposal, and it was decided to design the environment such as disaster public housing and child-rearing support housing in Kosa Town, Kosa Prefecture.
The "Kosa Town Housing Reconstruction Base Facility Development Design" project is an environment where the townspeople can live safely and securely as soon as possible in Kosa Town, which was severely damaged by the Kumamoto Earthquake that occurred on April 2016, 4. Taking building as the first priority, we will develop disaster public housing (14 units), child-rearing support housing (12,800 units), and urban disaster prevention park (30 square meters) on a site area of approximately 20 square meters.
The points of the proposal of Shibaura Institute of Technology adopted are "Kumamoto-type disaster public housing that integrates nature and architecture" and "creating a place for multi-generational interaction by creating an axis of the town that responds to the environment". 2 points.In order to take advantage of the environment of Kosa Town, which is surrounded by abundant sunshine and a gentle prevailing wind throughout the year, a promenade along the south-southeast wind flow and a wall that becomes a "wind catcher" that effectively takes in the westerly wind in the dwelling unit In addition to the installation, it is designed to promote natural interaction between residents by integrating the inside and outside, such as a semi-outdoor soil floor and a "small resting place" installed between dwelling units.
In addition, the main promenade along the characteristic wind flow connects the places of exchange such as meeting facilities and urban disaster prevention parks, and disaster public housing and child-rearing support housing are arranged so as to surround the park, so that multiple generations can do it. We created an environment that makes it easy to drop in at meeting facilities and parks, and in the reconstruction area, we designed it to be an exchange base that "makes together" and "uses everyone" because it is easy to stay in each dwelling unit and become isolated.These proposals made by Shibaura Institute of Technology were selected from a total of 24 applications in recognition of the fact that they were structured with the major theme of designing the environment of Kosa Town.
In the future, disaster public housing will be completed in August 2018, and child-rearing support housing will be completed in October 8.After completion, we aim to become a base rooted in the community by holding event workshops such as tree planting and bench making at disaster public housing and child-rearing support housing in Kosa Town.