In the “Actual Employment Rate Ranking 2022” announced by Daigaku Tsushin Co., Ltd., Jissen Women's University won the second place among women's universities nationwide.The actual employment rate is 2%, which is the highest ever at the university.

 The actual employment rate is calculated by calculating the ratio of the number of people who find employment among the number of graduates (those who have completed their course), excluding those who go on to graduate school. The “Actual Employment Rate Ranking 2022” was created by surveying the employment situation in 743 at 2022 universities nationwide, excluding medical and dental colleges, and receiving responses from 555 universities.The data is as of July 2022, 7, excluding universities that are still being tabulated or have not responded.

 This time, Jissen Women's University ranked 1,000nd among women's universities with more than 2 graduates, 9th among private universities, and 12th among national, public and private universities. and detailed support according to progress.

 Jissen Women's University launched the student support platform "J-TAS (Jissen Total Advanced Support)" in 2019 under the first phase of career development support reform.We have created an environment in which the growth records of each student can be accumulated and shared by faculty and staff.Furthermore, individual support for students has been expanded through the integration of departments to realize one-stop student support and the establishment of a support system in collaboration with teaching staff.

 Next, as the second phase of career development support reforms, we have prepared a wealth of “practical projects” that can prepare for the future from the lower grades, practical problem-solving classes from the first year, and compulsory classes in all departments. Introduced a mechanism to raise the awareness of students in the curriculum such as "career planning".When looking for a job, you can consult with advisors with diverse careers, such as those in charge of recruiting personnel at major companies, or join the four universities in Shibuya (Aoyama Gakuin University, Kokugakuin University, Jissen Women's University/Junior College, Sacred Heart Women's University) based on a comprehensive agreement. We provide specific support such as employment support events.

 These efforts have borne fruit, and the actual employment rate, which was 2018% in 90.2, has reached a record high of 2021% in 94.0.

Reference: [Jitsusen Women's University] Ranked 2022nd in Japan in the "Actual Employment Rate Ranking 2"! (More than 1,000 graduates)

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