15 universities in the Kyushu/Okinawa region, including Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kyushu University, University of the Ryukyus, and Kitakyushu City University, and FFG Venture Business Partners, which supports venture companies, have established Parks, a startup creation platform that connects with Asia.It was adopted as a support project by the Japan Science and Technology Agency and started, and the Kyushu and Okinawa districts will work together to foster entrepreneurs and support entrepreneurship.

 According to Kyushu Institute of Technology, the Parks implementation project is
・Management of entrepreneurial activity support programs
・Program development for human resource development with an entrepreneurial spirit
・Improvement of entrepreneurial environment
・Ecosystem formation in hub cities
-Such.Aiming to establish Parks Inter-University by the end of FY2026 with the aim of sustainably creating venture companies in the Kyushu/Okinawa region, which serves as a gateway to Asia in Japan.Kyushu University and Kyushu Institute of Technology act as lead institutions.

 The kick-off symposium was held at Kyushu Institute of Technology Tobata Campus in Tobata Ward, Kitakyushu City. Following greetings from Kyushu Institute of Technology President Yasunori Mitani, Fukuoka City Mayor Soichiro Takashima, and Kitakyushu City Mayor Kenji Kitahashi, Parks' efforts and the Kyushu/Okinawa region Information was disseminated and opinions were exchanged on ecosystem issues.

reference:[Kyushu Institute of Technology] Establishment of university-launched startup creation platform "PARKS"-Accelerating the creation of startups that connect with Asia in all Kyushu and Okinawa-

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