In recent years, high-intensity interval exercise has been attracting attention as a cost-effective and useful exercise condition.This exercise is an intermittent exercise mode that combines high-intensity exercise and rest, and even a small amount of exercise for a short period of time can cause an increase in endurance physical strength and muscle enlargement that is equal to or more than long-term continuous exercise. It has become clear.

High-intensity interval exercise that can be a new exercise model that can be safely performed not only by adults who do not have time to exercise or who do not enjoy exercising themselves, but also by elderly people with low physical fitness levels and those with illness.This time, international collaborative research groups such as University of Tsukuba, Gdansk University of Physical Education in Poland, and Chuo University have revealed that this exercise improves higher cognitive functions such as attention / concentration, planning / judgment, etc. in humans.

In this study, we conducted experiments on 25 healthy adults without exercise habits using the brain function imaging method (optical topography) and the "Stroop task" that can evaluate higher-order cognitive function in humans.After performing general-purpose high-intensity interval exercise (total exercise time 6 minutes), a Stroop task was performed, and cognitive performance and prefrontal cortex activity at that time were measured at the same time.

 As a result, the time required to answer the Stroop test after exercise was significantly reduced, and transient high-intensity interval exercise enhances the ability of Stroop interference to reflect higher-order cognitive function in humans. I understood.
Furthermore, when the brain activity that was the background was examined, it was found that the activity of the dorsolateral part of the left prefrontal cortex was significantly increased after exercise, and the hyperactivity of this part was involved in the improvement of higher cognitive function. It became clear to do.

 This result is expected to be applied to new exercise therapies for the purpose of preventing dementia in the future.

Paper information:[Neuro Image] A transferable high-intensity intermittent exercise improves executive performance in association with dorsolateral prefrontal activation in young adults

Chuo University

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Chuo University's practical education cultivates the ability to pursue theory, develop practical practices, integrate theory and practical practices, improve intellect based on knowledge and skills, and demonstrate that intellect for society."Faculty Linkage Program (FLP)", which provides interdisciplinary, problem-finding and solution-type cross-faculty education, global people […]

University of Tsukuba

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University of Tsukuba is the core of Tsukuba Science City, an international city with a high academic and cultural scent.The current education system is 9 groups, 23 classes, and it is possible to take specialized introductory courses from all fields, aiming to have creative intelligence and rich humanity.Solving global issues with soul genius […]

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