From 2022, Tokyo Medical and Dental University has started a system in which all undergraduate students can apply for and participate in various medical and healthcare venture startups as internships and earn credits as part of the educational curriculum.So far, 18 students have participated in credit-based internships, and further development is expected in the future.

 In 2019, one student from the Department of Clinical Medicine Education and Development (Professor Masanaga Yamawaki) from the School of Medicine used part of the free research period (three months) to participate in a credit-earning internship. .This time, we have greatly developed this system and built an educational collaboration system with 1 diverse medical and healthcare ventures and startups that are working on various issues.Students are now able to apply for and participate in internships using the free research period, graduation research period, and other curricula, and earn credits.

 This initiative is based on the 2020 University Reform Idea Contest, which won an award for excellence.Based on the idea of ​​“Building an industry-academia-government collaboration ecosystem to give more students the opportunity to train at healthcare companies and venture startups”, with the support of the Institute for Integrated Education (Director: Noriyuki Wakabayashi). , was established as a new credit-based program.

 In the internship at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, students will understand the initiatives of participating companies in advance, discuss the issues to be considered, and then participate.With the support of the person in charge of the company and the faculty member in charge, students present their research results and submit reports in the same way as other students, while complying with compliance such as non-disclosure agreements.For departments that cannot secure enough time in the current curriculum period, it is possible to apply for and participate in internships during the summer vacation period as an optional subject.

 2021年度は医学部医学科の4年生4名がプロジェクトセメスター※(自由研究期間)のカリキュラム全期間を通じて4社のベンチャー・スタートアップで5カ月間のインターンシップを完了し、単位が付与された。2022年度は医学部医学科の4年生5名のほか、医学部保健衛生学科 検査技術学専攻から4年生5名(卒業研究期間8~9カ月)、歯学部歯学科から4年生2名(自由研究期間2~3カ月)、歯学部口腔保健学科 口腔保健衛生学専攻の4年生1名(卒業研究期間4カ月)が挑戦している。

*Project Semester
During the period from June to November of the fourth year of the medical department, students conduct research activities at the University of Medicine and Dentistry and in laboratories at overseas universities.During this period, no other curriculum such as classes will be held, and it is set as a period where students can concentrate on research.

Reference: [Tokyo Medical and Dental University] Tokyo Medical and Dental University and 10 medical and healthcare venture startups build an educational collaboration system to realize the future diversity of students 

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Fostering excellent global medical personnel with rich humanity based on the history and achievements of close cooperation between medicine and dentistry

As Japan's only comprehensive medical graduate university, in the fields of medicine and dentistry, human resources who can play an active role on the world stage, a wide range of education and rich humanity, high ethical standards, creativity and pioneering ability to think and solve by oneself, internationality Foster human resources with leadership skills.Excellent faculty, excellent facilities, and a world-class curriculum […]

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