The Japan Science and Technology Agency and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization have decided on the winners of the 2022 University-originated Venture Award, and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award will be given to Chordia Therapeutics, which is promoting the development of anticancer drugs from Kyoto University. Co., Ltd. selected bitBiome Co., Ltd., a genome analysis company from Waseda University, for the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award.

 According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, other winners are KAICO Co., Ltd., an oral vaccine developer using silkworms from Kyushu University, who received the Japan Science and Technology Agency President's Award, and Tohoku University, the president of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization. ElevationSpace Co., Ltd., which aims to develop a space environment utilization platform to replace the International Space Station, and Neuroshooty Co., Ltd., which develops catheters for heart disease treatment from the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center. I decided on Calz.

 The Early Edge Prize was awarded to LQUOM Co., Ltd., which is developing long-distance quantum communication equipment connected to the quantum internet from Yokohama National University. AI Brain Science Co., Ltd., which develops cognitive function evaluation applications, and PURMX Therapeutics Co., Ltd., which develops new drugs using microRNA from Hiroshima University, were selected.

 The university-launched venture commendation recognizes excellent venture companies that are expected to play an active role in the future among venture companies that have been established based on the research results of universities.

reference:[Japan Science and Technology Agency] Regarding the decision of the winners of the “University Startup Venture Awards 2022”

Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

Osaka University

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Yokohama National University

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Tohoku University

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Kyushu University

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Hiroshima University

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Waseda University

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