Tokyo Institute of Technology has decided to set up a women's quota in the comprehensive type and school recommendation type selection from the 2024 entrance examination.The aim is to increase the ratio of female students at once through efforts to promote diversity and inclusion by utilizing diverse human resources.


 For the comprehensive and school-recommended selections, we will change the perspective of evaluation by establishing a general quota that can be applied regardless of gender and a female quota that only females can apply.At present, the number of applicants for comprehensive and school-recommended selections of 98 will be increased to 227.The breakdown is 84 general slots and 143 female slots.Women can apply for both general and women's slots.The increase in the recruitment quota for comprehensive and school recommendation type selection will reduce the quota for general selection, and there will be no change in the total number of quotas.

 Tokyo Institute of Technology currently selects students through a general selection process conducted by the university as a whole and a comprehensive/school-recommended selection process independently selected by each school.About 9% of the students enrolled are general selection, and about 1% are comprehensive or school-recommended selection.For the comprehensive type and school recommendation type selection, the School of Science conducts the school recommendation type, and each other school conducts the comprehensive type.

reference:[Tokyo Institute of Technology] Tokyo Institute of Technology introduces 143 "women's quotas" for comprehensive and school recommendation selection

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