According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's school basic survey (confirmed figures) announced on December 2022, 12, the university entrance rate in 21 was 2022%, an increase of 1.7% from the previous year, a record high. The US Institute for Advancement of Education analyzed the rate of advancement to higher education by prefecture.

 The 2022-year-old population in FY18 will be 112 (down 1285 from the previous year).The number of students going on to university is 1 (an increase of 9855 from the previous year).The college enrollment rate increased by 63 percentage points from the previous year to 5156%, a record high.By gender, males increased by 8116% to 1.7% and females increased by 56.6% to 1.6%, showing slightly higher growth for females.

 According to the US Institute for Academic Advancement, the overall university entrance rate is rising, but only Akita Prefecture (-1.3%) and Fukui Prefecture (-0.8%) decreased from the previous year. It is thought that the large increase in the university entrance rate in 2021 is also a factor.

 Tokyo (76.8%), Kyoto (70.9%), and Yamanashi (67.8%) have particularly high college enrollment rates.7 is the first time that Kyoto Prefecture has exceeded 2022%.Yamanashi Prefecture increased by 3.2% from the previous year.On the other hand, Akita Prefecture (39.6%) and Iwate Prefecture (39.7%) have the lowest university enrollment rates.Yamaguchi Prefecture (40.3%), Miyazaki Prefecture (40.5%), and Oita Prefecture (40.7%) follow.

 In Okinawa Prefecture, the number of students going on to university has finally exceeded 7.2%, increasing by 5% from the previous year.Males increased by 8.5%, while females increased by 5.9%.A survey of which prefectures high school students in Okinawa went on to universities shows that the number of students going on to universities in their hometowns in Okinawa is increasing, but the number of students going on to universities in Tokyo and Osaka is especially increasing. .The number of students going on to Fukuoka Prefecture has not increased much.

Reference: [US Academic Research Institute] 2022 university admission rate 56.6% (highest ever)
[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] We will announce the XNUMX school basic survey (confirmed values) (PDF)

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