The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science has announced the interim evaluation results of the 2015 projects adopted in 11 in the "University Global Expansion Capability Enhancement Project" that aims to strengthen the global expansion capability of university education.

 The "University Global Expansion Project" started in 2011 at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.To foster human resources who can play an active role internationally, strengthen the ability to expand university education globally, and support educational cooperation with universities in the target countries / regions that study abroad for Japanese students and strategically accept foreign students. It is an object.

 Of the 2015 projects adopted in fiscal 11, 2 were the highest ratings "S" that are expected to achieve the business objectives with excellent efforts, and "A" that is judged to be able to achieve the business objectives by continuing the initiatives. There were 8 cases, and 1 case was "A minus" where the business purpose was achieved by improving the efforts.

 The "S" rating was given to the "Latin-American Human Resources Development Program for Solving Global Issues by Japan and Latin America" ​​by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the University of Electro-Communications, which have exchange destinations with Latin American countries. "The global expansion of the engineer education model starting at the age of 15 in collaboration with the NAFTA production base Mexico" by Nagaoka University of Technology, Tsuruoka National College of Technology and others.

 In recent years, safety-threatening incidents such as political turmoil and indiscriminate terrorism have occurred, and some projects have had to change their exchange implementation plans from the perspective of ensuring the safety of students. ..As a result, the number of students who interacted with each other in all 11 projects was 393, ​​compared to the target of 382 Japanese students.On the other hand, the number of foreign students accepted was 327, which exceeded the target, while the target was 338.

 Through this interim evaluation, what is common to the entire project is that short-term and long-term exchanges and internships that accompany credit acquisition are enriched, and exchange programs with quality assurance are being developed and implemented.It was evaluated that each university was creative and ingenious, and that the progress was generally in line with the business objectives throughout.

Reference: [Japan Society for the Promotion of Science] Interim evaluation results (PDF) of the university's global expansion capability enhancement project (selected in XNUMX)

Nagaoka University of Technology
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Working to build a sustainable society based on science for the future

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is a national science and technology university consisting of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Engineering.Through learning and practice that respects freedom and diversity, we deepen our scientific inquiry, ignite students' creativity and curiosity, and develop their abilities to be active in the world of scientific technology and business.New ideas and […] to realize the construction of a sustainable society

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Starting from a foreign language, going to various parts of the world for deep learning

In order to explore global issues, it is essential to acquire the language used in the target region.Tokyo University of Foreign Studies offers a detailed and careful language education, as well as advanced and specialized educational programs in the humanities and social sciences.In addition, 7% of current students have experienced long-term study abroad.Only in English-speaking countries […]

University of Electro-Communications

Aiming to create and practice knowledge and skills that contribute to the sustainable development of humankind, we train advanced engineers and researchers with comprehensive practical skills.

The University of Electro-Communications originated from the Wireless Telegraph Training Institute managed by the Telegraph Association, which was established in 1918 as a training institution for wireless communication engineers.We aim to develop and produce highly-skilled human resources who will lead science and technology innovation in the field of science and technology and support a knowledge-based society. […]

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