On February 2023, 2 (Saturday), Shinshu University will hold the COC+R National Symposium in FY4, a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, in a hybrid format.

With the theme of "From 'individual learning' to 'co-creative learning'," we see these social changes as opportunities, and started last year to build a causal model of 'local employment for students'. We will focus on the future "learning" necessary for "human resources" and "universities."

At the symposium, in addition to lectures by practitioners and experts on the "learning of companies," "learning of human resources," and "learning of universities," which are necessary for the region in the future, a panel discussion will be held on "Points of learning for co-creation between companies and students." ”, and “Organizations that make co-creation learning between students and companies self-propelled”, the Secretariat of the Digital Garden City National Concept Realization Council and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will also take the stage to deepen discussions on new perspectives and issues. .

【Holding schedule】
Saturday, February 2023, 2 4:13-00:17 ・Hybrid format

[Holding format]
Hybrid format*
* Held locally at Shinshu University Matsumoto Campus and delivered online

From “individual learning” to “co-creative learning”
~What regional universities should challenge as a place to continue learning towards the realization of a sustainable local society~

[Symposium details/application page]

[Cost] Free


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Shinshu University

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Yamanashi Prefectural University
Okayama Prefectural University

Developing human resources to survive the future society

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University Journal Online Editor

This is the online editorial department of the university journal.
Articles are written by editorial staff who have a high level of knowledge and interest in universities and education.