Starting from the 2024 entrance examination, Nagoya Institute of Technology will establish a special recommendation quota for women in the environmental city field of the Department of Physical Engineering, Department of Information Engineering, and Department of Social Engineering.The aim is to encourage women to advance into science and engineering fields and to meet the needs of the business world.
According to the Nagoya Institute of Technology, the number of applicants is five for each of the Departments of Physical Engineering and Information Engineering, and three for the Department of Social Engineering in the environmental city field.Combined with the 5 students from the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, who are already receiving special recommendation for women, the total number of students will increase to 3.
In recent years, there has been a strong demand for research and development from a variety of perspectives at manufacturing sites, and there are growing calls for female workers, who were previously few in number, to enter the workforce.However, only 18% of all new students enrolled at Nagoya Institute of Technology are female, failing to meet the demands of the business community.
In 1994, the Nagoya Institute of Technology established a special recommendation quota for women in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (now the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering).As a result, the number of female students enrolled in the mechanical engineering department, which was only two in 1993, now exceeds 2.Focusing on this point, the special recommendation for women will be expanded to other departments.
Nagoya Institute of Technology hopes that the expansion of special recommendation for women will increase the number of female students enrolled at the university overall and encourage women to choose engineering as a career path.