On January 2023, 1, at Tokiwa University, a debriefing session was held on the "Mito City New Hometown Tax Return Gift Development Project," which was worked on in the fall semester of the "Marketing Exercise" major in the Department of Business Administration.

 This project is a collaboration between Mito City, which accepts hometown tax donations as the "Mito Komon Furusato Donation," and JR, which operates "JRE MALL Furusato Nozei" and plans the "Ibaraki Destination Campaign" from October to December 2023. Implemented in cooperation with East Japan Mito branch office.The students of the Department of Business Administration set themselves the task of planning and PR methods for experience tours based on existing Mito City hometown tax gifts so that Mito City will attract attention as one of the travel destinations. .

 Seven people from the Mito City Municipal Tax Division and JR East Mito Branch Office also participated in the debriefing session that day. Based on the analysis results of the questionnaire, we proposed an experience tour that utilizes "natto", "ume", and "Kairakuen".

 An official from the Mito City Municipal Tax Division and the JR East Mito branch office said, "There was a proposal from a student-like and innovative point of view." Sharp content and high value are necessary in order for students to choose .

 Participating students commented, "It was difficult to explore the appeal of Mito City and think about how to convey it." It was.”

 In the future, the Department of Management will continue projects in collaboration with Mito City and JR East Mito Branch.We will consider the contents of this proposal and negotiate with cooperating companies, aiming for commercialization in October.

Reference: [Tokiwa University] A debriefing session was held for the "Mito City New Hometown Tax Return Gift Development Project"

Tokiwa University

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