Kaspersky Lab Co., Ltd., which provides information security solutions, started free distribution of the "Junior Smartphone Test" jointly developed with Shizuoka University on June 2015, 6.

 Behind the development of the test is the fact that children's dependence on the Internet, cyber-bullying, and troubles involved in crime are increasing due to the daily use of the Internet.Under these circumstances, this certification service aims to raise awareness of information morals education and Internet security measures at home, and has knowledge of Kaspersky's Internet security field and Associate Professor Shingo Shioda of the Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. It was developed by fusing the expertise of information moral education.

Quoted from the source

The subjects of the test are children in the 4th grade to the 3rd grade of junior high school and their parents, and questions about the usage status of the Internet such as smartphones, morals, security, etc. are asked.There are two types of tests, 2 "basic" questions for 4th to 6th grade elementary school students (examination time about 16 minutes) and 10 "advanced" questions for junior high school students (examination time about 25 minutes).If the test result is 20 points or more, the certificate of acceptance will be displayed on the screen and you can print it.

By taking the test, children can learn the basic knowledge when using the Internet, and parents can also take the test to understand the gap in the basic knowledge with the child, and discuss with the family based on the test results. However, it also helps to determine the rules for using smartphones and the Internet at home.The test isOfficial site of "Junior smartphone test"You can take the test for free at.

Source:[Kaspersky Co., Ltd.] Co-developed by Kaspersky Lab and Shizuoka University, "Junior Smartphone Test" for elementary and junior high school students and parents is now available free of charge.

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