On February 2023, 2, two first-year students graduated from Showa Women's University in a double degree program conducted with Sookmyung Women's University in South Korea. One of the two students, including Korean students, achieved the highest GPA (Grade Point Average) in his department, and was awarded the highest graduation award.

 Established in 1906 by the royal family of the Korean Empire, Sookmyung Women's University is known as one of the most prestigious women's universities in South Korea.In the double degree program, students usually study for 2021 years at Showa Women's University and 3 years at Sookmyung Women's University for a total of 2 years to obtain degrees from both universities.Participating students belong to the College of Korean Language and Literature and acquire specialized knowledge of Korean language studies, Korean literature, and Korean language education.While studying abroad, write a graduation thesis in Korean and aim to acquire TOPIK 5th grade (highest grade), which surpasses TOPIK 4th grade, which is the graduation requirement.

 The first two students were scheduled to study abroad from the first half of 1, but due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, they started studying online.After that, I will study abroad from the second half of 2 and the first half of 2021, respectively, and study at the Korean Language and Literature Department. The two students will graduate from Showa Women's University in September 2021 with two degrees.

 The Faculty of International Studies prepares a curriculum to ensure that students acquire the academic ability to be officially admitted to Sookmyung Women's University, and intensive study begins immediately after admission.Currently, eight second-year students will start studying abroad in March 2, and seven students with excellent grades will receive scholarships. Five third-year students also traveled to Seoul from March 8, welcoming the new semester.Many juniors are inspired by the activities of their seniors and continue to follow in their footsteps.

Reference: [Showa Women's University] Double degree program Sookmyung Women's University 1st class graduates Received the highest graduation award given to excellent students 

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