11 national universities in the Kyushu and Okinawa regions, including Kyushu University, exchanged a memorandum of understanding for collaboration to improve research capabilities.With the declining research capabilities of Japan becoming a major problem, it is difficult to expect an increase in research funds provided by the government. is said to be the first.

 According to Kyushu University, participating schools include Fukuoka University of Education, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Saga University, Nagasaki University, Kumamoto University, Oita University, University of Miyazaki, Kagoshima University, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, and University of the Ryukyus.The signing ceremony of the memorandum was held at the Hotel Nikko Fukuoka in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City with the presidents of 11 schools gathered, and a press conference was held after the signing.

 The 11 schools will form a common platform "Kyushu-Okinawa Open University", share expensive research equipment, and jointly develop human resources.Kyushu University will serve as the secretariat of the platform.

 In terms of national finances, the balance of ordinary government bonds is expected to reach 2022 trillion yen by the end of fiscal 2, more than double the gross domestic product (GDP).This figure is by far the highest in developed countries, and is seen as a critical situation by other countries.Moreover, social security costs are likely to rise sharply in the future due to the impact of the declining birthrate and aging population, and defense spending is likely to rise sharply in the future due to heightened international tensions. expected to be difficult.

 Kyushu University President Tatsuro Ishibashi said, "We would like to take advantage of the strengths and characteristics of each university and work together to solve regional issues in Kyushu and Okinawa."

reference:[Kyushu University] 11 national university corporations in the Kyushu and Okinawa regions have signed a memorandum of understanding on collaborative cooperation centered on improving research capabilities

Kagoshima University

Aiming to become a glocal education and research center that flies from southern Kyushu to the world

Kagoshima University has nine faculties and nine graduate schools, with approximately 9 undergraduate students and approximately 9 graduate students (including approximately 9,000 international students), for a total of approximately 2,000 students.We strive to discover the potential of each student and to develop their aptitude, and provide a wide range of liberal arts education and advanced specialized education, as well as […].

University of the Ryukyus

Acquire specialized knowledge and skills through a variety of learning. Established 7 faculties, 9 departments, and 7 centers

It is the only national university in Okinawa prefecture and is the southernmost and westernmost university in Japan.We will ensure the quality of education and develop human resources who can play an active role and contribute to the world by utilizing advanced expertise and problem-seeking ability based on a wide range of education.Fostering wisdom and setting an example for society by fully drawing out diverse personalities and talents and opening up a new era […]

Kyushu Institute of Technology

To be an advanced engineer who continues to play an active role in the global society

Kyushu Institute of Technology with a history of 113 years.Based on the educational philosophy of "cultivating human resources with dignity and creativity," we provide high-quality education to train engineers and intellectual creators who have aspirations and passion and open up industries.Providing a variety of learning programs and improving the learning environment, as an ability necessary for a global society […]

Miyazaki University

Cultivate abundant human and practical skills with a view to the world and contribute to medical care in the community

Under the slogan "Starting from the local area with a view to the world," the University of Miyazaki strives to inherit and develop intellectual heritage related to academics and culture as the crystallization of human wisdom, explore profound academic principles, and protect the global environment. Aiming to create conservation and interdisciplinary life sciences, our educational philosophy is to develop human resources who can respond to the diverse demands of a changing society […]

Kyushu University

A university that creates "comprehensive knowledge" that opens up the future and drives social change

Kyushu University is a comprehensive university with 12 faculties and 19 graduate schools.We have been designated as a "designated national university corporation" that can develop outstanding education and research activities of the world's highest level and become an international base.Through “comprehensive knowledge” that combines the “knowledge” of the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and design that we have accumulated so far […]

Kumamoto University

Search for truth and newness.Kumamoto University aims to be a "True Global University"

Kumamoto University, which has a long history and tradition of more than 130 years, has set "Human resources development that can" Global Thinking and Local Action "by inheriting the spirit of Tsuyoshi Kiyoshi since the old system of Goko" in its educational strategy.A new creative "knowledge" was born and raised for a bright future, any [...]

Nagasaki University

Nagasaki University continues to challenge.Aiming to be an expert active in each field

Nagasaki University consists of practical faculties such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, fisheries, education, economics, and environmental science, as well as multicultural sociology faculties aiming to develop global human resources in the humanities and sociology. A unique university.By developing a unique curriculum and campus environment, each student can grow in their respective fields […]

Saga University

Aspirations, challenges, and the future.Foster attractive human resources who can play an active role in a diversifying future

Saga University is a national university that was established in 1949 with the former Saga University established in 1976 and the Saga Medical University established in 2004 as the parent body. It has 6 faculties and 6 graduate schools, and about 5,800 undergraduate students are enrolled.Along with acquiring knowledge in specialized fields, a wide range of education, cooperation with others, and independent learning […]

Oita University
Kanoya University of Physical Education

Fostering leaders who can respond to the international community through "sports, martial arts, physical education, and health promotion"

National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya makes use of the characteristics of a university of physical education, which is rare among national universities, and provides unique education aimed at improving sports, martial arts, physical education, health promotion, and competitiveness.The Faculty of Physical Education offers a comprehensive sports course and […]

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