スタディプラス株式会社のStudyplusトレンド研究所は、2023年4月7日から4月12日にかけて学習管理アプリ「Studyplus」上で、2022年度の大学受験生(2023年4月に大学へ入学した学生)840名を対象に「大学受験期のトレンドに関する調査」を実施した。その結果を「受験トレンド白書2023 “ホンネ編” 」としてまとめ、公開した。

 According to the survey, when they started studying for entrance exams, 3% of respondents said that they would start studying for entrance exams in the spring of their third year of high school, followed by 26.2% of them in the summer of their third year of high school.Considering that many students retire from club activities in the spring and summer of their third year of high school, this seems to indicate that the time for many students to retire from club activities is the time to start studying for entrance exams.
 When asked, "What did you endure the most during the university exam period?", the most common answer was "games" at 22.4%.In addition, "SNS", "YouTube", "Instagram", and "smartphone" were ranked among the top 10 answers, suggesting that many students avoided the temptation of smartphones.Among them, there was also an answer that "I deleted all apps other than study."On the other hand, the answer "I don't hold back" was also ranked high, saying, "I stopped holding back too much to avoid accumulating stress. There were also responses that emphasized the importance of taking a break, such as "I thought it was inefficient to study with patience."

 In terms of the number of schools to which students applied for university entrance exams, 3 schools and 4 schools were the same number, accounting for 17.4%. "5 schools," "2 schools," "6 schools," and "1 school," each accounting for about 10%. 10% of students applied to multiple universities, saying that they applied to more than 6.2 universities.

 As for "Who was the first person you reported your university entrance exam pass/fail to?", 66.4% of respondents answered "mother". “Father” was second at 2%, followed by “grandparents” at 10.5%, indicating that many test takers report to their families first. "Friends" was the third most popular at 5%. When asked, "What method did you use to inform the person to whom you first reported whether you passed or failed the university entrance examination?", 2.1% of the respondents answered "directly," followed by "LINE" at 3%.

 When asked, “What reward did you give yourself after taking university entrance exams?”, the most common response was “travel” at 18.7%, with XNUMX% of respondents enjoying “graduation trips with friends” and “family trips.” seen a lot.It is thought that there were many students who went away as the corona disaster was converging.This was followed by “playing” and “spending time with friends.”Many of the answers related to "smartphones" and "SNS" were given as things to endure, but many of the rewards were real experiences.

 Many messages were sent to the free description column.
"The biggest mistake I made on my first attempt was 'I thought it was too early to make it in time.' It's not as easy as saying you won't give up until the end, but instead of blaming yourself for skipping your studies, accept it as your own and move forward. I want you to move on! I'm rooting for you from the bottom of my heart."
"I think it's something you can only do now, so please don't have any regrets! I don't think I'll put up with oshikatsu or SNS forcibly. It's okay if you can do your best with that as an encouragement. Go at your own pace. Do your best to reach your goal!"
"I want you to spend every day without regrets. If you don't have a dream now, you need to study to find your dream, and if you have a dream, you need to study to make it come true. You can feel that the study you feel is not in vain, and I think you will enjoy it.I want you to do your best!"

Reference: [Study Plus Co., Ltd.] The most enduring thing during the university exam period is “games”, and the reward after taking the exam is “travel”-Published “Exam Trend White Paper 2023 “Honne”” that summarizes exam life-


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