People who are good at expressing their experiences in words and who have a strong psychological tendency called "mindfulness" who are not critical of their experiences have a high sense of well-being regardless of their income. However, it was found in a survey by Associate Professor Yoshinori Sugiura and Research Fellow Tomoko Sugiura of the Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University.

 According to Hiroshima University, the survey asked 20 working adults aged 60 to 800 about their annual income, happiness, and mindfulness tendencies on the web, and analyzed 734 respondents. ..

 In previous surveys, people with high incomes were generally considered to have a higher sense of well-being, but when we divided them into those with low and high mindfulness tendencies, those with low incomes were similar to the results of previous studies. The result was that the higher the income, the higher the feeling of happiness.
On the other hand, those with a high tendency for mindfulness had a high sense of well-being regardless of their income.In particular, those who did not see their experiences critically and those who were good at expressing their experiences in words tended to have a high sense of well-being.

 Mindfulness tendencies can be enhanced by training such as slowly paying attention to one's breathing.For this reason, Associate Professor Sugiura and his colleagues believe that mindfulness may be useful in solving problems faced by many workers, such as work-life balance and overwork.

Paper information:[Frontiers in Psychology] Mindfulness as a Moderator in The Relation Between Income and Psychological Well-Being

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