The integrated relocation of Kyushu University to the Ito Campus in Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City, which has been underway since 2005, has been completed, and a grand commemorative ceremony was held.The site area is about 272 hectares, which is one of the largest in Japan, and about 8 students and faculty members from 1 faculties of liberal arts and science such as law and agriculture will gather to accelerate joint research and demonstration experiments of industry-academia collaboration.

 According to Kyushu University, the Ito Campus is 3 km east-west and 2.5 km north-south, which was constructed by carving out a hilly area, and has a site equivalent to about 40 Yafuoku Domes.Campus was dispersed in Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka and Ropponmatsu, Chuo-ku, and suffered from aging buildings and aircraft noise at Fukuoka Airport. Decided to integrate and relocate.

 Construction work on the Ito campus began in 2000. Starting with the Faculty of Engineering in 2005, we have been moving forward in sequence.In the future, it will also be used as a place for demonstration experiments and industry-academia joint research utilizing the vast site.

 The completion ceremony was held at the Shiiki Hall on the Ito Campus with about 1,000 people from Kyushu University, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Fukuoka Prefecture. So let's open the door to innovation and make a leap forward. "
Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Noriko Miyagawa gave congratulatory speeches, and Nobel laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, gave a commemorative lecture.In addition, there were talk shows by students and faculty members, and presentations of research results.

reference:[Kyushu University] Held a ceremony to commemorate the completion of the Ito Campus

Kyushu University

A university that creates "comprehensive knowledge" that opens up the future and drives social change

Kyushu University is a comprehensive university with 12 faculties and 19 graduate schools.We have been designated as a "designated national university corporation" that can develop outstanding education and research activities of the world's highest level and become an international base.Through “comprehensive knowledge” that combines the “knowledge” of the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and design that we have accumulated so far […]

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