The Japan Association of National Universities held the 2018nd Ordinary General Assembly in 2 in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and resolved a statement by the President to refute the proposal for allocation of operating expenses subsidies presented by the Ministry of Finance at the Fiscal System Council in October. ..The Ministry of Finance's proposal to allocate 10% of operating grants according to the evaluation of education and research strongly opposes that it could lead to the collapse of higher education in Japan.

 According to the National Federation, the Ministry of Finance has proposed that the Finance System Council set up new indicators to evaluate the results of education and research, such as the number of papers and employment rate, and allocate 10% of the operating cost subsidy based on the evaluation.Although public support for national universities is at the top level in developed countries, it does not produce sufficient results because there is a problem with the method of allocating operating grants.

 In response, the Japan Association of National Universities questioned the grounds for international comparison presented by the Ministry of Finance in a statement by President Juichi Yamagiwa of Kyoto University, and if the policy was implemented as claimed by the Ministry of Finance, it would not be evaluated in the short term. He pointed out that stable financial resources would expand and jeopardize the management base of national universities, and strongly expressed his opposition.
In addition, careful consideration and careful preparation including the enforcement period are indispensable, as it is necessary to give due consideration to the characteristics of the academic field, such as the setting of indicators for measuring the results of education and research does not show results in a short period of time. Claims not.

reference:[National University Association] The 2nd Ordinary General Assembly of the Japan Association of National Universities is held (11/2)
Chairman's Statement on the Ministry of Finance's View on the Financial System Council (PDF)

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