On Saturday, December 2018, 12, at the Student Hall on the Shibuya Campus, the "Women's College Student Forum 15" was held to consider how to enliven the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games from the perspective of female college students. , Kyoto Kouka Women's University, Keio University, Narumi University, Tsuda College, Tokyo Women's Sports University, Musashino University, Jissen Women's University, etc. About 2018 people participated.This forum was held for the fourth time since 70, and was held as the "Tokyo 2015 Participation Program" with the cooperation of Okawa Printing Co., Ltd., Kinki Nippon Tourist Metropolitan Area, and others.

 On the day of the event, the first part was entitled "Thinking about the SDGs and the Olympics and Paralympics," with Tetsuro Okawa, president of Okawa Printing Co., Ltd., a pioneering company in SDGs management, following the keynote speech with the SDGs and the Olympics and Paralympics. We held a workshop to think about the relationship between the two.In the second part, with the cooperation of Kinki Nippon Tourist Metropolitan Area, you can experience the paralympic competition "Boccia Competition" and VR fencing. I learned about.Part 4 The forum was finished with information exchange meetings, bingo tournaments, etc., and the excitement of the participating students reached its climax.

 This forum was planned and managed by eight Olympic and Paralympic project students themselves.

<Comments from students who participated in this forum>
◆ I think that my horizons have expanded many times by thinking about the Olympics and Paralympics through the theme of "SDGS" and talking with university students who have various values. (2nd year, Department of aesthetics and art history)
◆ It was a very valuable experience for me to participate in the management of the female college student forum, which I create together with people from other universities that I can't usually interact with. (2nd year of English Literature)
◆ It was very rewarding to see that the experience of the competition was more exciting than I had expected and the students who participated were pleased. (1st year, Department of Human and Social Studies)
<Comments from Professor Fukasawa, Department of Japanese Literature, Olympic and Paralympic Business Collaboration Promotion Office, Faculty of Letters, which planned this forum>
 This year, a total of eight students, including second and first year students who took the course "Open Course a", demonstrated their independence and created a wonderful forum.By participating in a program that incorporates the three values ​​of the Olympics and Paralympics, "sports, culture, and education," we hope that you will grow into a student who can think of the Olympics and Paralympics from a high perspective and a broad perspective. rice field.We would like to express our sincere gratitude to President Okawa of Okawa Printing, Kinki Nippon Tourist Metropolitan Area, and members of the Courtesy Research Department for their cooperation.And thank you very much to all the students who gathered at our university.

Reference: Jissen Women's University

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