According to a survey conducted by the Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, etc., the decrease in bone mineral density due to aging of residents who were severely damaged by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake tends to be greater than that of those who were not damaged. ..It seems that the background is that people who suffered great damage to their houses refrained from going out due to changes in the environment caused by the earthquake and stopped walking.

 The survey compared and analyzed the results of about 2013 people in the first health survey conducted from 2015 to 1 and the second survey in 2017, targeting residents of Miyagi prefecture.
According to the survey, the three points that were related to the magnitude of damage to the house were psychological distress, average number of steps, and bone density.The second survey tended to have lower psychological distress regardless of the magnitude of the damage to the house, but it was found that the person with the greater damage to the house had a higher risk of psychological distress.

 The average number of steps continues to be lower for those who have suffered more damage to their homes.The decrease in bone mineral density due to aging was more pronounced in those who suffered more damage.It seems that the damage to the house has fallen into a negative cycle that leads to a decrease in the average number of steps and bone density.

 Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization and others believe that it is necessary to continue to support people who have suffered severe damage to their homes to relieve their psychological distress and to encourage them to go out actively.

reference:[Tohoku University Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization] Long-term effects of earthquake damage revealed by detailed survey-Psychological distress, average number of steps, and bone density continue to be affected by people who suffered heavy damage to their homes-

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