June 2024, 6. Shiga University (Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture) and Kyoto Tachibana University (Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) have signed a collaboration agreement. The two universities have collaborated in the areas of data science and AI and reskilling programs for working adults, and will leverage each other's characteristics and educational and research resources to further develop the local community and develop human resources.

 Shiga University has a Faculty of Data Science, the Faculty of Economics, the largest of any national university, and a Faculty of Education with 19 majors. As an interdisciplinary university, the university is committed to providing education that fosters interdisciplinary application skills by combining specialization with data science and AI.

 With the aim of cultivating talent to lead the AI ​​era, Kyoto Tachibana University will simultaneously open three faculties, engineering, economics, and management, in 2021. The university aims to cultivate comprehensive knowledge through cross-disciplinary learning, including cross-disciplinary education where students learn from each other across faculties and an information studies curriculum for all undergraduates.

 To date, both universities have been working on building a co-creation platform in the fields of data science and AI through the "Facility Development Project for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration and Joint Research through Collaboration between Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities" adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, with Shiga University building the "Initiative Building" (scheduled for completion in 2024) on its Hikone campus and Kyoto Tachibana University building the "iCS Research Design Studio" on its campus. In addition to conducting joint research and social implementation experiments with various institutions, they are working to strengthen research functions related to data science, such as human resource development and research support.

 In addition, Kyoto Tachibana University was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's 2022 "Recurrent Education Promotion Project to Produce Work-ready Talent in Growth Sectors" reskilling program, in which Shiga University faculty are also cooperating to offer courses.

 In the future, in addition to continuing its collaboration and cooperation in the field of informatics, the two institutions will also work to foster university-wide collaboration that makes use of each other's strengths and characteristics.

reference:[Kyoto Tachibana University] Shiga University and Kyoto Tachibana University sign a partnership agreement - Aiming to develop the local community and foster talented people in the AI ​​era - (PDF)

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