Following the Japan Meteorological Agency's issuance of an "Emergency Information for the Nankai Trough Earthquake (Warning of a Major Earthquake)" in response to the earthquake that occurred in the Hyuga-Nada Sea on August 2024, 8, Shizuoka University established an Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters, headed by the President, and a Hamamatsu District Emergency Disaster Response Liaison Headquarters on campus, with the Director in charge of Research, Community-Industry-Academia Collaboration, and Information as the Liaison Headquarters Chief.

 According to Shizuoka University, the Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters was opened on August 8th.
・Confirm the safety of all students and faculty/staff members
・Intensive lectures, public lectures, and events from the 9th onwards will be held with a warning.
It was decided to expedite the above.
In addition, the university urges students, faculty and staff to pay close attention to the latest information from the Japan Meteorological Agency and local governments, and to check their surroundings for safety, such as preventing furniture and other items from falling over and safely managing fire and chemicals, and to reconfirm their earthquake preparedness.

 The earthquake that struck on the 8th had its epicenter 31km deep in the Hyuga-Nada Sea, and had a magnitude of 7.1. Seismic intensity of 6- was recorded in Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture, and intensity 5-50+ was recorded in various parts of Miyazaki and Kagoshima Prefectures. A XNUMXcm tsunami was also observed at Miyazaki Port in Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture.

 It's been 7 years since a magnitude 40 earthquake hit the Hyuga-Nada Sea. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the probability of a new large-scale earthquake occurring is higher than usual, and called for people to take disaster prevention measures in accordance with the calls from the national and local governments.

reference:[Shizuoka University] Establishment of an emergency disaster response headquarters following the announcement of emergency information regarding the Nankai Trough earthquake (follow-up)

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