In order to cultivate talent capable of working internationally, Tokyo Metropolitan University will use external English proficiency tests for individual academic ability tests for some faculties, departments, and examination dates in the general selection process from 2025.

 The faculties and departments that are eligible for the program include the early and late schedules for the Department of Geography, Department of Urban Infrastructure Environment, Department of Architecture, Department of Environmental Applied Chemistry in the Faculty of Urban Environment, the Department of Information Science, Department of Aerospace Systems Engineering, and Department of Industrial Art in the Faculty of System Design, and the early schedule for the Faculty of Health and Welfare (all departments).

 Available external English proficiency tests are Cambridge English, Test in Practical English, GTEC, IELTS, TEAP, TEAP CBT, TOEFL iBT, and TOEIC L&R S&W. All of these tests must be specified by Tokyo Metropolitan University. All of these scores (multiple) can be submitted as long as they are valid and were taken after April 2022, 4.

 When applying, candidates will submit the score of an external English proficiency test, and the "converted score of the external English proficiency test" and the "score of the common university entrance exam for foreign language" will be converted into a maximum score of 200 points, and the higher score will be used to determine whether or not the applicant is accepted. The converted score of the external English proficiency test will be converted based on a conversion table established by Tokyo Metropolitan University.

 If you do not submit the score of an external English proficiency test, the score of the "Common Test for Foreign Languages ​​for University Admissions" will be used. However, in the general selection process, it is mandatory to take the Common Test for Foreign Languages ​​in the first examination, and submitting the score will not exempt you from the test.

Reference: [Tokyo Metropolitan University] Regarding the use of external English proficiency tests (general selection from 2025 onwards)

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