Nara City, Nara Prefecture, has decided to lease city-owned land in front of Kintetsu Yamato-Saidaiji Station to private companies for office use on a fixed-term business lease, and has decided to set up a base for collaboration between industry, academia, and government in the developed office building, and has begun recruiting companies to move in. The base will also be used as a place for student interaction, encouraging students to settle in the local area after graduation.

 According to Nara City, the city-owned land is located about 100 meters from Yamato-Saidaiji Station and is about 1,400 square meters in size. The city is looking for companies that are willing to set up their headquarters, branch offices, research bases, etc. on this site, and after the companies have set up their facilities, Nara City will lease part of the site and set up a base for collaboration between industry, academia, and government. Applications from companies will be accepted from August 8rd, and a decision is expected to be made by the end of the year.

 The base will be equipped with co-working spaces, shared offices, training rooms, etc., and will also be used as a student exchange hub, making it a place where companies in Nara can secure human resources. Nara City will separately solicit applications for the operator of the base.

 Nara City has the seventh-highest number of university students among Japan's 62 core cities, with seven universities and junior colleges in the city, including Nara Women's University, Nara University of Education, Tezukayama University, and Nara University, with approximately 7 students enrolled. Yamato-Saidaiji Station is used by many of these students. However, after graduating from university, many people leave the city, such as to Osaka or Kyoto, and while the city as a whole has an in-migration population, there is an out-migration population of people in their 7s.

reference:[Nara City, Nara Prefecture] Creating a base for "Nara, the city of industry" and "Nara, the city of students" in front of Yamato-Saidaiji Station [Mayor's press conference] (announced on August 6, 8)

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