Fukui Prefectural University has been officially approved for the Faculty of Dinosaurs, which it plans to open in April 2025, and has announced the entrance examination guidelines. The newly established Faculty of Dinosaurs will have two courses within the single Dinosaur and Geology Department: the Dinosaur and Paleontology Course and the Geology and Paleoenvironment Course, but entrance examinations will be held on a departmental basis.

 According to Fukui Prefectural University, the admission quota is 1 students per year, with 30 students for the general selection in the early period and 15 for the later period, 3 students for the school recommendation type selection, 6 students for the comprehensive selection including 2 students for the regional quota, and a few students for the special selection for working adults and self-financed international students. Of these, applications for the school recommendation type selection and the comprehensive selection (regional quota) are limited to those within Fukui Prefecture. Applications for the comprehensive selection (general quota) are also open to those outside Fukui Prefecture.
*A person living in Fukui Prefecture is someone whose individual or guardian has continuously had an address in Fukui Prefecture since before April 6, 4.


 Students in the Dinosaur Department study at the Eiheiji Campus in Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui Prefecture in their first year, and at the Katsuyama Campus (tentative name) in Muraoka-cho, Katsuyama City from their second year onwards. The Katsuyama Campus is located in the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, and is newly established within the grounds of the Katsuyama Dinosaur Forest, where students can experience fossil excavation. In addition to sharing research facilities, the school has formed a collaborative system with the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, and plans are afoot to hold lectures and practical training sessions by museum researchers.

reference:[Fukui Prefectural University] Dinosaur Department Admissions Selection for 7

Fukui Prefectural University

Connections between place, time, and people support the future of Fukui

Fukui Prefectural University was founded with a practical education policy to train specialists and engineers who are essential to the local community and support the sustainability of the region. It is a comprehensive university with faculties of Economics, Bioresources, Marine Biological Resources, and Nursing and Welfare. It has organized a flexible curriculum that can flexibly respond to changes in society, and has a thorough […]

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