The Japan Science and Technology Agency will hold Science Agora 2024, one of Japan's largest science events, at two locations: the Telecom Center Building (Ome, Koto-ku) and the Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation) from Saturday, October 10th to Sunday, October 26th, 27. This year, the event will have approximately 2 exhibits and will be held entirely on-site for the first time in five years.

 According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, the theme is "Bound for the future with Science." The hope is that participants will find a compass to head towards the future by traveling and enjoying various booths and sessions. Approximately 150 exhibits will be on display that can be enjoyed by a wide range of people, from experiences and experiments that stimulate interest in science to future technologies such as mobile surgical vehicles capable of remote medical care and the coexistence of humans and generative AI.

 In the main venue, the Telecom Center Building, 11 members of the promotion committee, including former Nippon Television announcer and assistant professor Taichi Masu of the Harris Institute of Physical and Chemical Research at Doshisha University, have devised a plan and layout to stimulate the curiosity of visitors and create new connections between exhibitors. In order to create new connections between exhibitors, the exhibits are divided into five categories, including "Earth, Living Things, and Us" and "Food, Lifestyle, and Health."

 The main events include dinosaur observation using VR technology supervised by the Fukui Prefectural University Dinosaur Research Institute, a science show by Specially Appointed Associate Professor Igarashi Miki of the Tokyo City University Faculty of Science and Technology, a workshop to encourage children to learn independently by Mr. Masato Hidekazu, a teacher at Ritsumeikan Elementary School (Kita-ku, Kyoto City) who is active at the forefront of the education world, and a mini drone piloting experience. University students and junior and senior high school students who will lead the next generation will also exhibit booths that are full of ingenuity.

 There are also plans to involve the next generation in initiatives such as the "International Student Virtual Reality Contest", which has been held in conjunction with the event since 2019 with the aim of nurturing young talent, and the "Student Idea Factory" to unearth scientific dreams and free thinking.

<Science Agora 2024>
Date and time: October 10th (Sat) to 26th (Sun) 27:10-00:17 
Venue: Telecom Center Building, Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
Cost: Free (some events require a fee)
*Pre-event: Friday, October 10th (online, one event)

reference:[Japan Science and Technology Agency] Approximately 2024 exhibits have been decided for "Science Agora 150" The scale will be expanded to include a fully physical venue, covering a wide range of topics and creating a forum for imagining the future society

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