Japan International Gakuen University (Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture) will add a category for part-time high school students to its comprehensive selection process from the 2025 entrance exam. It will also incorporate the special selection process (correspondence high school selection process) that began in 2024 into the comprehensive selection process, creating a total of five categories to secure diverse talent.

 According to Japan International School University, from the 2025 entrance exam, the comprehensive selection category will be divided into five categories: [Comprehensive], [Part-time], [Correspondence], [Global Mind], and [Overseas Roots], allowing students to choose the exam format from a variety of entrance exam categories. Applicants will be able to choose from four selection methods, including document screening, interviews, and presentations. Applications will be accepted from September, with four selection periods by December. For more details, please check the 4 Student Recruitment Guidelines and the university's website.

 In addition, the school will also start a designated school scholarship system that will exempt students who are deemed particularly outstanding from paying all or part of their tuition fees for up to four years as special scholarship students from designated schools among those who pass the school recommendation selection process, as well as a system of exempting students from tuition fees based on the acquisition of qualifications designated by the university or on academic achievement.

 In addition, if an applicant with overseas roots who meets the application requirements selects the "Japanese Culture and Business Model," a tuition reduction or exemption system will be applied to the student, and support will be provided to help improve the student's Japanese language skills and ensure that they are not at a disadvantage financially or in terms of language, thereby nurturing human resources who can contribute to society.

 Japan International Gakuen University was founded in 1925 as Tokyo Kasei Gakuin. In April 2005, it changed its name from Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Women's University to Tsukuba Gakuin University, and in April 4 it was established as Japan International Gakuen University, the first international and language university in Ibaraki Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture, with campuses in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture and Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

 Japan International School of Education aims to develop talent that can work globally from local areas by equipping students with skills that are directly linked to employment through practical education based on eight models (international liberal arts, modern business, content design, English communication, civil service, AI/information, international airlines, and international hotels). With guidance from faculty members known as campus advisors, students can acquire skills that are directly linked to employment.

reference:[Japan International School University] [Entrance Exam] 1 Comprehensive Selection XNUMXst Period [Comprehensive] [Part-time] [Correspondence] [Global Mind] [Overseas Roots] Other Selections [Returnee Selection] [Working Adult Selection] Entry acceptance begins

Japan International Gakuen University

A university that serves as a door to the world

Our university provides integrated academic and practical education, focusing on business administration, information studies, design studies, and English. The curriculum ensures that each student gains the skills necessary to realize their future goals. By gaining a wide range of knowledge and practicing, we can improve our expertise and become a country that originated in Japan […]

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