The Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association Awards, which recognize the work of individuals and groups that have contributed to promoting and raising awareness of greenery and water, are celebrating their 60th anniversary this year. To commemorate this, the Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association has established a new "Special Greenery and Water Design Category" in the technical division, which is aimed primarily at university, graduate, and high school students in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

 According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association, the special green and water design category has two categories: "U18" for university students, graduate students, technical college students, and vocational school students aged 25 and over, and "U18" for high school students. They are calling for research, planning, design, and design works related to Tokyo's parks, urban greenery, and waterfronts.

 For U25, the recommendation of the teacher who supervised the production is required, and for U18, the recommendation of the school principal is required. Applications can be made through the Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association Award website, which will be open from the 25th, and can be brought in person or sent by mail to the Green and Water Citizens' College in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo. The deadline for applications is February 2025, 2 for U14 and March 18, 3 for U22.

 The works will be returned after being reviewed by a selection committee. The results are scheduled to be announced in July. The winners will receive a prize of 7 yen and will be introduced on the website and may be featured in the specialist magazine "Urban Parks" published by the Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association.

reference:[Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association] A special category for students has been established! We are now accepting submissions for the 60th "Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association Award" (PDF)

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