An analysis of data on the elderly by Osaka University Assistant Professor Tomoaki Mameno, Professor Kazunori Ikebe, and Professor Ryohei Yamamoto of the Campus Life Health Support and Counseling Center revealed that the worse the bite of the back teeth, the higher the risk of death, and that this can be reduced by using good dentures.

 According to Osaka University, the research group, with the cooperation of the Osaka Prefecture Association for Medical Care for the Elderly and the Osaka Dental Association, analyzed data from approximately 18 elderly people in Osaka Prefecture who underwent dental health checkups, and investigated the impact of denture condition on mortality risk. The average observation period for the analyzed data was 7,000 years.

 The results showed that the group with less misalignment of their molars and who were using dentures in good condition had a lower risk of death than the other groups.

 People who use poorly-fitted dentures or no dentures at all had a 1.8 times higher risk of death than people with good bite alignment of their molars. The research group believes that in addition to keeping one's own teeth, people who lose teeth can stay healthy by wearing appropriate dentures.

 Dentures have been thought to help maintain health by compensating for the impaired eating function caused by tooth loss, but there have been no large-scale follow-up studies to date to clarify how denture condition is related to mortality risk.

Paper information:[Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry] Removable denture use, fit, and all-cause mortality in older adults with reduced occlusal support: The OHSAKA study

Osaka University

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