"Pure Eden," a rainwater tank for flushing toilets, jointly developed by Professor Toshihiro Kasai of Fukui University of Technology, who has been engaged in rainwater utilization research for many years, and Denka Astec Co., Ltd., has won a Good Design Award.

 Professor Toshihiro Kasai of Fukui University of Technology has been working for many years on rainwater utilization research, feeling the need for a product that can secure water for daily use such as toilet flushing, against the backdrop of the recent reports of the Nankai Trough earthquake occurring in Japan. A large rainwater tank is advantageous for increasing the effectiveness of rainwater utilization in each household, but in urban areas, there are significant limitations on the space available for tank installation on the premises, and in apartment buildings, there is no free space to install. "Pure Eden" was developed to solve this problem of installation space.

 "Pure Eden" is a small rainwater tank, but installing it in many buildings will increase the city's disaster resilience. Furthermore, "Pure Eden" is equipped with a clean rainwater storage function (up to 100L) through water circulation, and a water supply function that uses potential energy to be used in first-floor toilets even during power outages, making it a useful product in times of emergency. It is hoped that in the future, the use of "Pure Eden" will trigger the spread of large rainwater tanks in society, and that "collecting and using rainwater will become the norm in society."

 The toilet flushing rainwater tank "Pure Eden" received the Good Design Award this time in recognition of not only the functionality of the product itself, but also that it is a meaningful product as a home appliance in terms of promoting crisis management awareness. It also received recognition for its simple, uncluttered design, and the fact that it can be developed in colors that match the wallpaper in the home.

Reference: [FUT Urban Design Center] Japan's first wall-mounted rainwater tank wins Good Design Award

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