Starting January 2025, 1, Teikyo University will host "Harvard Special Lectures 6," an intensive face-to-face lecture series, at its Itabashi Campus (Itabashi-ku, Tokyo), inviting experts in the fields of health care and public health from Harvard University in the United States and Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

 According to Teikyo University, the lecturers will be five people active at the forefront of the public health field, including Associate Professor Jaime Hart of Harvard University, who have written world-famous textbooks. The subjects will be biostatistics, epidemiology, medical economics, social epidemiology, and occupational and environmental health, and all lectures will be in English.

 The dates are Biostatistics from the 6th to the 9th, Epidemiology from the 9th to the 12th, Health Economics from the 13th to the 16th, Social Epidemiology from the 17th to the 20th, and Industrial Environmental Health from the 21st to the 24th. During the period, you can also interact with students from Asian universities that have academic partnerships. Attendance is also available to the general public, not just students. Registration as an auditor or course student is required.

<Harvard Special Lecture 2025>
Period: October 2025nd (Monday) to October 1th (Friday), 6
Venue: Teikyo University Itabashi Campus, University Building (2-11-1 Kaga, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo) *No parking available
Target audience: Students interested in medicine and public health, and the general public (registration as an audit student or course student is required)
費用:聴講1科目6万2,000円、2科目8万4,000円 科目等履修1科目8万7,000円、2科目10万9,000円
Number of students: 30 per subject
Application: Apply via the dedicated page by Thursday, January 2025, 1
January 1th (Monday) - January 6th (Thursday) Biostatistics Clinical Trial Associate Professor David Wypij
1/9 (Thu) - 1/12 (Sun) Epidemiology: Professor Murray Mittleman
January 1 (Mon.) to January 13 (Thu.) Health Economics Professor Alastair Gray
1/17 (Fri) - 1/20 (Mon) Social Epidemiology Professor Ichiro Kawachi
1/21 (Tue) - 1/24 (Fri) Associate Professor Jaime Hart, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

reference:[Teikyo University] Harvard Special Lecture 2025

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