Regarding the recent spate of cases of people complaining of feeling unwell after consuming red yeast rice products released by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, a major pharmaceutical and health food manufacturer, a research group including Lecturer Niizawa Maki of the Osaka University Campus Life Health Support and Counseling Center, Lecturer Matsui Isao of the Graduate School of Medicine, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Doi Yohei, and Professor Inosaka Yoshitaka investigated the issue through the doctors who treated the patients, and found that the main condition was renal dysfunction accompanied by Fanconi syndrome.


 As a result, in the initial survey, 95.3% of patients were found to have impaired excretion of waste products, and many of them had Fanconi syndrome, in which glucose, amino acids, uric acid, etc. are excreted without being reabsorbed. In a follow-up survey, Fanconi syndrome improved when red yeast rice intake was discontinued, but renal dysfunction remained in 87% of patients. It was also revealed that commonly prescribed steroid therapy was ineffective.

 According to the Osaka City Food Poisoning Control Headquarters, epidemiological analysis results as of the end of November showed that 11 people are believed to have suffered health damage after consuming Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red koji products.

Paper information:【Kidney International】A nationwide questionnaire study evaluated kidney injury associated with Beni-koji tablets in Japan

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