On October 2024, 10, a research team led by Professor Emeritus Shigehisa Karimata of the University of the Ryukyus launched the "Great Ryukyuan Dictionary," a website that allows users to search for dialects of the Ryukyu Islands, which span Okinawa Prefecture and the Amami region of Kagoshima Prefecture, from multiple dictionaries at once. The website's unique feature is that it allows users to instantly compare dialects that differ by island or region, and many words are accompanied by audio data recorded by the research team.

 According to the University of the Ryukyus, this website allows cross-searching of the "Okinawa Language Dictionary," which contains the language of the former samurai of Shuri district, Naha city, Okinawa prefecture, the "Amami Dialect Classification Dictionary," which contains the language of Yamatohama, Yamato village, on Amami Oshima island, Kagoshima prefecture, as well as the "Okinawa Nakijin Dialect Dictionary" for the dialect of Nakijin village, Okinawa prefecture, the "Irabu Dialect Dictionary" for the dialect of Irabu Island, Okinawa prefecture, the "New Edition Okinawa Iejima Dialect Dictionary" for the dialect of Iejima island, Okinawa prefecture, and the "Yoron Dialect Dictionary" for the dialect of Yoron island, Kagoshima prefecture.

 Search methods include standard Japanese, Ryukyuan dialect, and synonyms. In the future, the company plans to add the dictionaries of the four Okinawan dialects of Izena Island, Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Island, and Yonaguni Island to its search targets.

 In 2009, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sounded the alarm that several dialects used in the Ryukyu Islands were in danger of disappearing. The aim of the launch of this website is to preserve and pass on the dialects of the Ryukyu Islands, which differ from island to island and region to region.

 In 1921, Iha Fuyu, known as the father of Okinawa studies, and Nakasone Masayoshi, who carried on his legacy, planned to compile a dictionary of the dialects of the Ryukyu Islands, but they were unable to produce anything that covered the entire Ryukyu Islands.

reference:[University of the Ryukyus] "Great Ryukyuan Dictionary" now available

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