An international joint research group from Japan and Singapore, consisting of researchers from Hiroshima University Graduate School, Osaka University Graduate School, and Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore), has developed a new control algorithm for "cyborg insects" to enable them to move smoothly in cooperation with one another in terrain with many obstacles and making it difficult to navigate.

 Cyborg insects are insects equipped with small electronic devices. Electrodes are attached to the antennae and tails of insects, and the insects' movements are controlled by sending electrical stimuli. Until now, it was necessary to give instructions to each cyborg insect individually, which made the coordinated movements of a swarm inefficient and unstable.

 Inspired by the relationship between guides and participants on tours, the research group developed an algorithm in which cyborg insects (followers) are guided by a single cyborg insect that plays the role of leader, and form a swarm to reach the goal. Each cyborg insect is not fully controlled like a robot, and in most cases moves freely, but the control algorithm changes the direction of movement from time to time so as not to get separated from the leader or other followers.

 In a demonstration experiment using Madagascar cockroaches, they were able to move in groups and reach a goal in an environment with sandy ground, obstacles and hills. In addition, due to the interaction mechanism between the cyborg insects built into the control algorithm, one cyborg insect was able to help another when it got into a difficult situation. Furthermore, the algorithm automatically controls the movement of each cyborg insect based on the surrounding situation, eliminating the need for centralized management.

 It is expected that this technology will be applied in a variety of fields in the future, such as disaster relief sites with many obstacles, environmental monitoring, and infrastructure inspection.

Paper information:[Nature Communications] Swarm navigation of cyborg-insects in unknown obstructed soft terrain

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