StudySapuri Career, a career information media provided by Recruit Co., Ltd., conducted a survey on self-efficacy, or the awareness that one has the ability to achieve one's goals, among high school student editors from the StudySapuri editorial department and official LINE subscribers, and published the results. 694 valid responses
According to the survey, 73.2% of people answered "yes" to the question, "When you take on a new challenge, do you feel confident that you can do it?" More than seven out of ten people answered "yes." Editor-in-chief of "Study Sapuri Career Book," Kongoji Chizuko, explains that the low percentage of people who answer "confident" when asked about their confidence has been said to be due to "Japanese modesty," but that current high school students seem to disagree.
Furthermore, when asked "Does confidence have anything to do with a good life?" 78% answered "Yes." Reasons cited included "confident people take on challenges and shine," and "being strong will earn you recognition from others," and they believed that confidence has a positive effect on themselves. Some of them may have thought this way because they saw adults doing the same, and from the voices of high school students, it seems they are influenced by adults who take on challenges.
In response to the question "What influences you to have confidence?" the top three answers were 1st place "Working hard at school and getting good grades" (44.4%), 2nd place "Being praised by friends/family" (28.4%), and 3rd place "Working hard in club activities and getting good results" (26.2%). In response to the question "Who [has the strongest influence] on your confidence?" the top three answers were 3st place "High school classmates/friends" (1%), 43.4nd place "Friends up to junior high school" (2%), and 31.3rd place "Parents" (3%). It appears that words of encouragement from parents and friends help them gain confidence, and there seems to be positive communication between them.
In response to the question, "What percentage of students are confident that they can take the entrance exam or go on to higher education?", the median answer was "60%." When asked, "What words from parents made you feel more confident?", the top answer was "You did a good job, you're trying your best" (1%), followed by "You can do it" (43.7%) and "It'll be fine" (2%).
Reference: [Recruit Co., Ltd.] Current high school student "Self-efficacy survey" (PDF)