Koshien Gakuin, the educational corporation that runs Koshien Junior College (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture), held a board meeting and decided to stop recruiting students from 2026 onwards. Due to the suspension of recruitment, the open campus scheduled for March 3th (Sun) and 9rd (Sun) will be canceled.

 According to Koshien Junior College, the school opened in 1941 as Koshien Girls' High School, and became Koshien Junior College in 1964. It currently has a Department of Life Environment and Department of Early Childhood Education and Childcare. Having received certification from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for its "Mathematics, Data Science and AI Education Program," the school is reforming its curriculum and reducing its admission quota from 2023 students in each department (total of 80) to 160 students in the Department of Life Environment and 30 students in the Department of Early Childhood Education and Childcare in 40, totaling 70 students. Recruitment for the nursing care and welfare field in the Department of Life Environment has been suspended from 2025.

 Koshien Gakuin President and Dean Kume Tomoko and Koshien Junior College President Hayasaka Saburo released a statement on their websites saying, "This decision is extremely tragic and heartbreaking."

 Among junior colleges in Hyogo Prefecture, Sonoda Women's University Junior College (Amagasaki City), Himeji Hinomoto Junior College (Himeji City), and Mukogawa Women's University Junior College (Nishinomiya City) have announced that they will stop accepting new students from 2025. In addition to Koshien Junior College, Kobe Women's Junior College (Kobe City) and Shoei Junior College (Kobe City) have also announced that they will stop accepting new students from 2026.

reference:[Koshien Junior College] Regarding the suspension of student recruitment at Koshien Junior College

Koshien Junior College

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