On February 2025, 2, the Takushoku University School Corporation held a board meeting and decided to stop recruiting students for the Department of Agriculture and Business at Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College (Fukagawa City) from 1 onwards. As another department, the Department of Childcare, has also stopped recruiting students from 2026, the Department of Agriculture and Business is expected to close at the end of 2025 when the 2025 enrollment students of the Department of Agriculture and Business graduate. In addition, on February 2026, the Sapporo International University School Corporation announced that the Sapporo International University Junior College Division (Sapporo City) would stop recruiting students.

 According to Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College, the school was founded in 1966 as Hokkaido Takushoku Junior College with the aim of promoting agriculture, and changed its name to its current name in 1990. Currently, there are two departments, the Department of Agriculture and Business and the Department of Childcare, but the Department of Childcare has decided to stop recruiting students in 2. The Department of Agriculture and Business reduced its enrollment quota by 2024 students from the 2024 academic year, but was unable to overcome its predicament.

 Sapporo International University Junior College opened in 1969 as Sapporo Seishu Junior College, a junior college for women, and later changed its name to become the coeducational Sapporo International University Junior College in 2023. Although the college has produced over 2 graduates to date, in recent years there have been under-enrollment in all departments. In the future, Sapporo International University will inherit the educational achievements of the junior college.

 As of February 2025, 2, there are 3 junior colleges across the country that have announced that they will stop accepting applications from the 2026 academic year, excluding two in Hokkaido: Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College and Sapporo International University Junior College.
Kokugakuin University Tochigi Junior College (Tochigi Prefecture), Kyoai Gakuen Maebashi International University Junior College (Gunma Prefecture), Soka Women's Junior College (Tokyo), Sagami Women's University Junior College (Kanagawa Prefecture), Shiga Bunkyo Junior College (Shiga Prefecture), Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College (Kyoto Prefecture), Koshien Junior College (Hyogo Prefecture), Kobe Women's Junior College (Hyogo Prefecture), Shoei Junior College (Hyogo Prefecture), Wakayama Shinai Women's Junior College (Wakayama Prefecture), Minami Kyushu University Junior College (Miyazaki Prefecture), Kagoshima Immaculate Heart Women's Junior College (Kagoshima Prefecture)

reference:[Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College] [Important] Suspension of student recruitment for the Department of Agricultural Business
[Sapporo International University Junior College Division] [Important] Notice regarding suspension of student recruitment at Sapporo International University Junior College Division

Sapporo International University Junior College
Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College

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