Musashino University has announced plans to open a correspondence education department, "International Data Science Faculty, Data Science Department (tentative name/planning to establish)" in April 2026. The enrollment capacity is expected to be 4 students, with 32 students transferring in their third year and 3 students transferring in their fourth year, for a total capacity of 15 students.

 The correspondence education department, the "Faculty of International Data Science," is a correspondence school operating in conjunction with the on-campus "Faculty of Data Science." It aims to foster new academic fields that focus on "knowledge creation" through data, media content, and their analysis and integration, to develop a wide range of applications and to train talent that can demonstrate leadership on an international level.

 Three courses (AI Creation Course, AI Algorithm Design Course, and Social Innovation Course) will be set up as a course model so that students can learn practical data science knowledge open to the international community online, regardless of time or place, and acquire the three abilities required of data scientists (creativity, innovation, and engineering). A double degree program with an overseas university will also be implemented, providing an international environment where students can study together with students from overseas.

 In addition, a reskilling program (a course-taking system) will be established to enable working adults to acquire the basics, applications, and development of data science at different levels. If students meet the specified conditions and earn credits, they will be issued an open badge as proof of their learning history.

 On Saturday, February 2th, we will be holding the "MUDS & MIDS High School Student Data Science ONLINE Seminar 8," an online event for high school students to explain the appeal of data science in an easy-to-understand way. Although the content is aimed at high school students, anyone who is interested can participate.

reference:Musashino University to open Department of International Data Science in 2026 (currently under construction)

Musashino University

"Shaping the happiness of the world." Musashino University boasts history and tradition

Musashino University, which will celebrate its 2024th anniversary in 100, is based on the Buddhist spirit and aims to cultivate individuals with excellent academic knowledge, sensibility, and character, and to develop human resources who can contribute to the happiness of each student and the happiness of the world. In April 2024, the university will establish a new "Faculty of Well-Being, Department of Well-Being," and will have 4 faculties and 13 departments. […]

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