Kyoto Tachibana University plans to establish three new faculties in 2021, Information Science and Engineering, Management, and Economics (all tentative names). With the aim of training human resources who will play an active role in the rapidly changing next-generation society, such as AI (artificial intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), and the economic field of a healthy and long-lived society, we will further promote the conversion to a "one-base comprehensive university."With the opening of the new faculty, we are planning to build a new building.

 According to Kyoto Tachibana University, the concept of reform is "Innovation for Future Life," which combines information technology that is evolving day by day with a wealth of wisdom to open up a prosperous future.There are plans to establish the Department of Information Science and Engineering (capacity: 130) and the Department of Architectural Design (80) in the Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, the Department of Business Administration (260) in the Faculty of Business, and the Department of Economics (240) in the Faculty of Economics.

 After building a new liberal arts curriculum that promotes independent learning centered on thinking ability and general-purpose skills, all three faculties will set up crossover courses for the fusion of literacy.Furthermore, in addition to developing new career education that promotes industry-academia-government collaboration such as internships, everyone will work on PBL (Project Based Learning) such as participation in business contests and collaboration with local governments. ..

 The new building to be built will have a structure in which classrooms and offices are integrated, and will be devised to create connections across fields and positions.Inside, there will be a "Cyber ​​Media Lab" equipped with computer network-related media and workspaces, and an "Active Learning Studio" suitable for collaborative learning and presentation venues.

In a press release held on April 2019, 4, President Eiko Hibino took the stage and said, "Based on the theological philosophy, we will train human resources with high comprehensive ability who can play an active role in the information society of Society 18. We will support growth. "

reference:[Kyoto Tachibana University] Announcement of reform plan in April 2021-Three new faculties established to train human resources who will play an active role in the AI ​​era! (PDF)

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